A-America Traffic is available 24/7 across all of Florida.
Our Services Include
Vehicle Lighting Solutions
Finding quality work lights to fit your needs can be difficult. Let us assist you in outfitting your work vehicles.
MOT Safety Training & Education
Our pilot vehicles help guide motorists and personnel through worksites and facilitate traffic control setups.
Guardian SmartFlaggers
Our Guardian SmartFlagger uses the latest technology to guide motorists and personnel through worksites.
Special Events & Filming
Organizing a special event or filming requires a lot of planning. These plans may include traffic control measures. We're here to help organize the safety of your next event or shoot.
Custom Designed Traffic Contol Plans
Maintenance of Traffic (M.O.T.) training prepares workers for traffic control operations. We are an FDOT approved provider of MOT safety education and professional certifications for Flaggers, Traffic Control Technicians, and Supervisors.
On-Site Police Officers
In some cases it may be necessary to assign Police Officers to projects. This adds an extra level of safety to a construction site and makes drivers more alert while traveling through your work zone.
Guardian SmartFlagger
The Guardian is the only "Smart" Automated Flagging Assistance Device of its kind. It enables operators to control traffic from a safe vantage point and provides an overall safer work zone using LAN technology, recorded video surveillance and a tablet.